Friday 27 July 2018


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- Regsister
Random hair was the icing on the cake.
- C4bz87
Yeah, I was so glad she pulled that out too!
- frickfracksnack
And the final grip at the end was also a relief that you don't usually get in these things. A + video, not even a distracting TV playing in the background, can lower the score.
- AzzzEater64
How long ago?!?!
- Lemolo
The description says a month, five years ago.
- Inferior_Jeans
So a month and five years ...  This thing has been sitting out for a while. I wonder what the crime was.
- sleeppybbble
No, no - it was published 5 years ago, and at that time it was there for a month. OP said she was walking through the woods, so I'm guessing some huge shard? I don't know how she wouldn't notice.
- daddymooch
pili multigemin
- aasav
I once pulled a pencil out of my head, about 30 years after a fourth-grader hit me on the head with a pencil.
Fun time.
- mytvwatchesme
As soon as my lower gum in my back was sore and inflamed, and later on I felt something sharp sticking out of it, so I rubbed the gum and pulled the object with a tooth pick. Turns out it was a calcified bone fragment from wisdom teeth 15 years ago. Three weeks later, it happened on the other side.
- backyardstar
Smite. There really is a submarine for everything.
- glitter_vomit
Holy shit, never expected this to happen! I have a spot on my left hand from a pencil blow in 6th grade like 22 years ago.
- unicorn_shart
Thank you for that...I have two new photos for them!
- elarkay .
Holy Shit!
- aasav
And I remember insisting that the child stabbed me in the head and asked the teacher to look for the broken tip of the pencil in his Desk. I even went to the nurse and couldn't find the entry point, but I knew it was happening.

Oh, when I see that teacher again, I'll show her the damn lead pen and show her!
- Lexsizzle
It's like that time I broke my hand in kindergarten, tripping over a rubber connector between the linoleum and the carpet. The floor was clean in front of me, but the teacher said I tripped over a backpack, not bad design. I had to sue the school and get rich, but since I was 5, I didn't know.
Edit: why downvotes? Parallels: kid gets stabbed with a pencil. The teacher doesn't believe them-the child stumbles on a badly designed floor, the teacher says it was something else. Or, if it's because of a comment about the trial, do you really think I'm serious
- Superseminar
What is this madness! Was it an old pain?!
- JayDee240 .
I had something similar from my knee a few years ago. It was hard as stone, but I was told it was a bunch of ingrown hairs that merge togther.
- PawFluff
Looks like it, especially with little hair.
- sleeppybbble
If you're reading the description in the video, OP says she thinks she got it while walking in the woods, so I think it can be a real pain in the end.
- daddymooch
It's definitely not a shard. The shape and method of its formation look like grown-up hair. I had one that happened to me all the time. So I pulled it out and cauterized it. Look at the multigemin saw
- illdrawyourface
So....I imagine a "glitch in the system", so to speak, where there is a hair follicle in a place where it should not be. It grows without where to leave the skin, so it grows down. Falls out, then the next begins to grow in the same place. The pattern repeats until, while under the skin will not be so many hairs that they stick together and begin to poke through. ....??
- thrownormanaway .
What you are describing is exactly why you should allow the follicle for the ingrown hairs to heal rather than scratching the ingrown. When you will cause it to scab over him just repeat the whole process again
- aasav
And that's how you lost your secret power. : [
- littlest_hedgehog
I can't believe how much it was.
- Standtomyleft
Incredibly nice to watch
- ash1091
Is it weird that I secretly hope my body grows one of them and I get the pleasure to pull it out?...
- zaimc
lol not weird at all. I have the same thought before I read the comments.
- Yurithewomble
Don't think it's not weird just because you agree with him.
2 out of 6 billion-still strange.
Again, I agree and would like to do that.
- isemonger
Just think the same thing, or where I can go barefoot to encourage a similar object to become embedded so I can start playing with it.
That's what she said!
- rae_09
“That's what she said..”
- usernameinvalid9000
That's exactly what she said.
- thewaterloobserver
"Oh my God" was the apt answer
- MobilePornDevice
"Oh my God, I want one thing," was my answer.
- username_of_the_pee
What is this thing and why I want one
- SonicFlash01
Go step on the nail, wait a little, then put it out on top
- elvendude . 
The splinter in the leg that came out from above seems to be the consensus. You don't want to do this. Apparently, it's been in her leg for a month.
- thatG_evanP
Don't tell me what I want!
- feet
After about the 3rd time I would have gone to block Vice grabs.
- Hammer_of_Antares
Same. It's amazing that more people don't use haha pliers
- s1mpletim
How can you just "find" something like that?
- ahcomochingas
Hey! wait, what?
- FrankNix
So... you didn't feel like you were bitten by a dragon?
- aasav
OP - not the man on the video.
-          randdoe .
Anyone else pucker up every time the tweezers snaps????!!?? PS...well done.
- slashing164
There may be more. Wash the area well
- thetruemaddox . 
Sea Urchin?
- cultyq
That was my thought
- Galaxy-relevant
Definitely not.
Sea urchins don't have legs.
- pizzaman2012
Not really, it happened in the forest, so no ocean creatures nearby!
However, I'm sure it's the Apple / Osage Orange Tree hedge spikes.
It's a branch of wood!
- Nelly
Two suggestions: needle nose pliers and please blow your nose.
- GaracaiusCanadensis
Hell, Yes, especially the pliers. When you get enough surface for more grip and leverage, take advantage and upgrade your tool. All those little clicks and a loss of grip make me cringe.
- clowens1357 . 
I would assume sniffing was choking back pain more than anything

- Lemus89
I found nail clippers to be great for the shards where I work.
At the factory we finish with either steel or aluminum shards, a little bit, the tweezers were useless, the nail clippers are pretty sharp/accurate, so they can hold everything there well until you just cut through it
- dasher11
I had a similar experience a few months ago. I was outside playing with my dog, wearing sandals, and pressed my foot painfully against the stick on the ground. I had scratches and bleeding, but I didn't think about it.
Over the next 2 weeks, my big toe swelled up more and more, becoming incredibly stiff and painful. I still haven't thought about it because I'm on immunosuppressants, so I tend to heal slowly.
One day I woke up and I couldn't move my finger anymore. He was very red and hot to the touch and hurt like hell. I decided to open the scab and drain it. When I did, the pus poured out and I could see the tip of something brown. I ended up pulling a piece of wood a little smaller than in this video.
Instant relief was amazing. I can bend my finger again! It also left a very satisfying hole behind.
Sorry I don't have the video. I hope this description was enough.
- Adrianba
It reminded me of how my friend stepped on a needle, so I learned that the feet are basically sponges, and they were sucked all the way. It was impossible to get out and it hurt for months. Once she was very ill the upper part of the legs. He went all the way through her leg and was pulled out from above. I have it in the Bank trophy.
- 10wasthebest
What happened to the old nail.
- Adrianba
Shit, nail!? The needle is one thing, but damn it, it must hurt! You kept it?
- 10wasthebest
I'm not and it hurts, but go into more like one quick sharp pain, shock, then pain. I was a kid. A kid in rural South Louisiana on a failed farm in a crumbling trailer, that's not the only nail I stepped on, and that's not the only thing I (or anyone else) pulled out of my foot. But, I didn't hold it, mostly because my clumsy ass would just step on it again. Yes, this trait continues in the adult hood. Maybe I'll keep the next one.
- frickfracksnack
she gave it to you as a gift, or... ?
- Adrianba
I was there when they took it off, so I kept it. She doesn't want to see him anymore, lol.
- LSUZombie13
It was a hairball? Or what?
- InstitutionalizedWas
Jesus fuck! You're a real unicorn!! You majestic asshole, you
- Conspiracy Barbie . 
I'm going to say that it was something that went through the bottom of this man's foot and had to work, that way up.
- jaybram24 . 
It sounds wrong, but I don't know enough about feet to argue.
- glitter_vomit
Can this really happen??
- Sidewindertjc
It happened to me when I was a kid, running around barefoot and stepping on a Mesquite tree.
- glitter_vomit
You know he was there the whole time? I'm just guessing, but " found something in my leg!"it sounds like it was unexpected. Maybe not!
I'm also scared of the fact that this could happen... I don't like things that don't belong to a foot stuck in or out of a foot.
- Sidewindertjc
I knew for sure that it was there for pain and blood. The thorn went all the way through my leg. The Mesquite spikes got pretty big, and I was scared.
- glitter_vomit
Terrible... I'm sorry this happened to you!
I think its eel or something like that now that I've watched more videos here.
- aluminimun
It's wild. Lies and delusions.
- BooMey . 
"Delusions, Delusions, Delusions..."
- h0ser . 
I can still hear Jesse Pinkman singing this on my last mushroom trip. He'll switch between that song and Charlie from Lost singing "You are everyone!"
So, I tripped the balls going through strange alien tunnels in my mind, listening to " delusions, delusions! You all!"over and over in these two different voices.
- GleepGloopGlop
I thought it was " you all, everyone"
- h0ser . 
R and L sound funny sometimes from the British.
- aasav
had to work, this is the way out
their way
- sillyhumansuit
Fuck, you're turning into a demon with spines and shit growing!
- Le-Ren . 
a) what the fuck? b) did it hurt? c) pls get some good tweezers. I started to get angry about the tweezers lol.
- pizzaman2012
looks like a thorn from the hedge Apple or Osage's orange tree, these bastards are nasty and hard as nails! It is very easy to go straight through the bottom of the Shoe.
- ash1091
I'm Groot.
- BitterPharmTech
Looks like either one ingrown with a bunch of shit covering it or a ton of them piled together. The hint was the final hair that came out of there, but who the hell has hair follicles?? Strange. Still seems like a massive ingrown, last bit was definitely hair.
- bravenone . 
I have hair there, but luckily none of it is in adult shit
- brickwallwaterfall
repost my good man
- Crack_Spiders_Bitch
I thought I'd seen it before! Glad I'm not the only one.
- Henk_De_Potvis
Where is the original?
- brickwallwaterfall
It looks like OP shared a video on youtube that's about 5 years old. I've definitely seen him on this submarine a few times before.
- FrankandRon
It's so good
- sweetdread 
Smite. Quality content that I come here for. Bravo.
- thatG_evanP
You're killing me! Keep it at the base, for God's sake! And your hair?
- wordgirrl
How did it not come in from the only side?? Yauza.
- Foozartron
"Right boot"
"Get it"
- Godisen . 
Better get it early then wait for it to leave through your chest!
- Failure_Adjacent 
What the fuck.
- JimmyNeutrino2 . 
Who will tell you what it was!
- Loserboichris 
My God, get him out! Is he holding on to his life or something?
- LocomotiveEngineer
Like Jeff Goldblum in flight.
- greyhounddog
For the love of all-please squeeze it at the end!!!
- SwampTerror
This was published earlier. I'm browsing through enough Reddit that I remember it being posted by someone else a few months ago. Stealing kkkarma?
- Clayderman
It was published 6 months ago. I've just been scrolling through the top pots for the past year and this video has appeared
- Vista
What the fuck?!
- JScrambler
I'm going to bed now.
- milk_is_life
You were supposed to stop right here and live like some kind of Horny reptile.
- Lotsaa1
You are a man of the sea urchin
- jenamama87
Oh, what was that?
- kjpugs
My God.
- superdownvotemaster
Did it start on the other side of the leg???
[- ] thedoze
Infection trilogy by Scott sigler
- hyggexo
Shark tooth?
- beebosquanch
Blow my nose?
- skydive1991
Why did I even watch that?!
- Tbrock0420
God, why can't I get it out of my leg?
- gilbertsyndrome
It ends too soon! Still need to squeeze!
- Shadowglove .
Jesus Christ.
- C4bz87
- sunniebear
Holy shit, that was hard.
- acgasp
The sound of tweezers...
- Casocot
Yes...that's something...
- Naspbeats
Reminds me of a clip of an instrumental split
- greyhounddog
Damn it, squeeze it at the end. Pleeeease
- greyhounddog
For the love of all-please squeeze it at the end!!!
- Gimpi85
Now I have nightmares.

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