Tuesday 23 April 2019

Top 6 Zit and Pimple in this Month

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What is acne

and why do they occur?
What are pimples? Most often, this word people mean acne or acne. You may also come across the terms "acne" and "acne rashes" referring to skin manifestations of acne. So acne, acne, acne are synonyms.
Acne is a skin disease associated with the defeat of the sebaceous hair apparatus of the skin. It is based on the blockage of sebaceous glands sebum, the formation of inflammatory elements and visible skin defects. There is acne on the skin, especially rich in sebaceous glands - a face, back, chest.

Acne or acne is a very common disease. According to a number of studies (J. Leyden et al.) it occurs in 85% of young people aged 12 to 24 years, i.e. in most teenagers. But the manifestations can be quite different: from single acne in the field of vision – to extensive rashes.

Is it worth waiting until you are 25-30 years old to acne gone from the face? And all this time to avoid communication with peers and lose precious minutes of school and student life? Or is it worth trying to get rid of acne now?

 Why do acne occur?

Against the background of puberty occurs: 

1. Excessive sebum formation
(seborrhea) is caused by an excess of male sex hormones (testosterone) or increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them.

At the same time, the composition of fat changes - the bactericidal properties of the water-fat "film" on the skin are minimized, and nothing prevents bacteria from multiplying.

2. The change in the process of keratinization in the mouth of the sebaceous hair follicle occurs due to a decrease in the concentration of linolenic acid in the increased volume of sebum.

At its lack of enhanced actinic, narrowed, and clogged pilosebaceous canal comedones appear. If they occur, it is likely that soon will have to think about how to cure acne.this composition of fat changes - the bactericidal properties of the water-fat "film" on the skin are minimized, and nothing prevents bacteria from multiplying.


open comedones – "black dots»
closed comedones – "white dots»
The appearance of comedones is associated with an inflammatory process.

3. Reproduction in the duct of the sebaceous gland of bacteria
For example, Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) also becomes a factor for acne.

4. Inflammatory reaction is a natural response of the body to the pathological multifactorial process.
It is necessary to decide immediately how to get rid of acne, because acne manifestations can leave irreversible scarring on the skin, as well as hyperpigmented changes. The severity of the disease and approaches to its treatment depend on the severity of acne symptoms.tion of comedones associated with inflammatory process.

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