Tuesday 2 May 2017

Sebaceous CYST On Scalp

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Let's first find out what an Sebaceous CYST (atheroma) is.
As a rule, atheroma is always rounded and is a mild benign subcutaneous formation and develops in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Such a benign neoplasm in the common people is often called a wen or cyst. Predominantly, atheroma forms in the face, head, between the shoulder blades, in the labia, scrotum, in the perineum and under the armpits. That is, in those places of the human body, where the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands occurs.
    Most often, the atheroma is formed from the sebaceous gland located under the skin. The cause of atheroma formation can be a thickening of the fat produced by the sebaceous gland or blockage of its duct. However, not all of the causes of atheroma are these two factors mentioned above. Sometimes the reasons for the formation of such benign swelling remain unclarified. Normal work of the sebaceous glands consists in the release of fats and its constant transport through the mouth of the follicle to the surface of the skin.
   A large accumulation of sebaceous glands is located in the face, head, chest and upper back area. In fact, the sebaceous glands are located throughout the human body, exceptions are the palms and feet. In case of a disturbance in the normal functioning of the sebaceous gland, the fat released by the gland instead of going through the pores to the surface of the skin accumulates in a special sac and then an atheroma is formed, which includes both fat components (subcutaneous fat), sebaceous gland itself, and epithelial cells. Do not confuse atheroma with occasional pimples in intimate places.

Atheroma - what is it?

Causes of atheroma.

It's time to deal with the causes of the emergence of fat. This can be facilitated by:

- Damage or rupture of the sebaceous gland. In fact, this is not uncommon and occurs quite often and as a result - skin inflammatory diseases.
On the head, the cause of atheroma can be a hair bulb, or rather, its damage. Then there is its blocking and in the hair bulb starts to accumulate sebum - sebum.
- Wen can also appear in unborn children, while the child is in the mother's womb. The reason for this is the cells that were supposed to form the skin, nails, hair, and steel for some reason to form a completely different tissue.
-  The cause of atheroma can be and hereditary predisposition. So, for example, people suffering from Gardner's syndrome (this is a rare genetic disease), are predisposed to an athere, and then it is of a multiple nature.

Scientists have revealed the regularity, it turns out that the male sex is more inclined to develop atheroma than the female one.
More often than not, the category of people who have had acne at least once in their life is subject to adiposity.
The harm of the sun is spoken, spoken and will be spoken. So, with prolonged exposure to the sun, the risk of atheroth is significantly increased, though in the face area.
Also, various damages of the skin, even at first glance, insignificant, contribute to the appearance of atheroma.

Symptoms of atheroma
   So, what is atheroma? This dense formation of a rounded shape with clear boundaries, having a painlessly mobile structure. With a careful examination of the atheroma with the naked eye, you can see a small black dot in the very heart of the atheroma. It is this point that creates an obstacle in the way of the flow of the sebaceous gland, thereby preventing its normal functioning.
Such benign neoplasms in most cases grow slowly enough, practically without causing pain and without causing discomfort.
  Most often, atheroma does not require medical intervention - treatment. And the sizes of an atheroma can fluctuate from 5 millimeters to 5 centimeters. Nevertheless, atheroma is a benign formation, but sometimes there are cases when it degenerates into a malignant tumor.
The color of the atheroma is more often than not distinguishable from the skin. "And where do the adolescents come from?" - you ask. So, atheroma in rare cases can take a whitish, yellowish or reddish hue. At the same time, the oils that make up cosmetic products only contribute to the development of fatty acids.
  Atheroma, like any other benign tumor should be constantly under close observation (not necessarily a doctor). It is enough to follow its development independently and at the slightest change in it: a rupture, an increase in size, trauma should immediately consult a doctor.

Complications of atheroma
   To begin with, small adolescents do not cause any complications. Most often, damage to the atheroma or the infiltration of infection in it has very bad consequences, and as a result, its suppuration occurs. If an infection has penetrated the atheroma one way or another, then its increase occurs, painful sensations appear in its place of location, the tumor is reddening and the body temperature rises.

What can serve as a complication of atheroma:
- The first is inflammation. The structure and environment of atheroma is excellent for the development of microorganisms. It is only harmful bacteria get into the bag and then immediately begins their reproduction, and hence the internal inflammation of atheroma - pus.

Infection is not the only cause of inflammation of the adipose. Sometimes zhiroviki get inflamed and without penetration of harmful bacteria - infection.

It is necessary to remove the inflammatory process before proceeding to remove the inflamed atheroma. Antibiotics will help in this - Ampicillin, ointments: Levosin, Levomekol, Vishnevsky are quite suitable.

-The second is the gap. If the atheroma is located in an uncomfortable place and is prone to rubbing (for example, the armpit), the risk of its rupture is great and if this happens, an abscess may start.
-The third is discomfort. Atheroma, located on the genitals, causes extremely unpleasant sensations. During sexual intercourse or urination, discomfort only increases.

Diagnosis of atheroma
  Immediately it is worth noting that only a doctor can diagnose atheroma and only with a personal examination of the patient. The fact is that atheroma is similar in structure to lipoma, and therefore a correct diagnosis can be established only after a number of studies that reliably show the presence of lipoma and malignancy of the tumor.
Atheromas can also spread in large quantities. This condition is called as

Treatment of atheroma
   Medical treatment of atheroma to date does not exist, only removal. The choice of patients is offered three methods for the removal of a wen: laser, radio wave, and surgical. All of these methods are applicable for removing the atter of any size.
Laser and radio wave removal has a number of advantages, the first is the lack of a rehabilitation period. The second is the retention of work capacity, and the third is the absence of obvious scars after the operation. But it is worth noting that in the case of an abscess of a wen'rovik, only surgical removal is used.
  When surgical intervention, atheroma is opened, then it is cleared of purulent contents and only after that is prescribed medication for atheroma.
Of the three methods for removing WenMovs, the radio wave approach is the most effective and safe:
This is a guarantee of the absence of a relapse;
This is the absence of seams at the site of removal;
   This is a relatively short rehabilitation period. The process of recovery takes from 3 to 5 days. And in the case of surgical removal, the removal of sutures occurs only on the 10th day;
This is the absence of scars at the site of atheroma removal. And if the scar remains after the operation, its resorption will take 2-3 months;
  This is the absence of the need for hair shaving. With surgical removal, if the atheroma is located in the scalp, this place is completely shaved.
Radio wave operation lasts for 20 minutes.
  Note: Like any tumor, the removed atheroma is sent for histological examination.
Do not be afraid of the size and neglect of atheroma, its treatment is possible at any stage of its development. Many people mistakenly believe that only large dummies are subjected to removal, but this is far from being the case. Even small-sized zhirovik with time can inflame or increase in size.

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